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Unified Wallet Kit

The Unified Wallet Kit is an open-source, Swiss Army Knife wallet adapter designed to streamline your development on Solana. Integrating multiple wallets into a single interface can be cumbersome, the Unified Wallet Kit aims to eliminates redundancies by providing these building blocks in a simple, plug-and-play package. This allows developers to focus on what matters most: building innovative features for your users.

The Unified Wallet Kit will help you reduce repetitive tasks within your development process, including:

  • Creating a wallet notification system.
  • Managing wallet states (connected, disconnected, etc.).
  • Implementing a mobile-friendly wallet connector .
Unified Wallet Kit References

Core Features​

Compact BundleMain ESM bundle is a lightweight 94KB (20KB gzipped).
Built-in SupportComes with Wallet Standard and Mobile Wallet Adapter support.
Abstracted Wallet AdapterUse the Bring Your Own Wallet (BYOW) approach to select custom and legacy wallets.
Mobile ResponsiveDesigned to be mobile-first.
Smart Notification SystemIntegrates seamlessly with your existing notification system or can be used independently.
InternationalizationSupports multiple languages including English, Chinese, Vietnamese, French, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, and Russian.
Theming OptionsChoose from light, dark, and Jupiter modes, with more customization options coming soon.
New User OnboardingSimplifies the onboarding process for new users.

Let's Get Started​

TLDR Steps​

  1. Adjust the Theme Selector to your desired version.
  2. Select your appropriate Language
  3. Expand the "Show Snippet" box for the wallet configuration you would like in your app and
  4. Select the Copy to Clipboard button for easy code insertion into your app.
  5. Install the Unified Wallet Kit to your project dependencies.

Install the wallet adapter depenency​

npm i @jup-ag/wallet-adapter

Wrap your app with <UnifiedWalletProvider />​

const ExampleBaseOnly = () => {
return (
autoConnect: false,
env: 'mainnet-beta',
metadata: {
name: 'UnifiedWallet',
description: 'UnifiedWallet',
url: '',
iconUrls: [''],
notificationCallback: WalletNotification,
walletlistExplanation: {
href: '',
<UnifiedWalletButton />

export default ExampleBaseOnly;

This kit also supports the attachment of custom elements to specific wallets

walletAttachments: {
'Phantom': {
attachment: <div tw="text-xs rounded-md bg-red-500 px-2 mx-2 text-center">Auto Confirm</div>