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Retrieve a quote to be used in POST /swap.

Query Parameters
inputMint string — REQUIRED

Input token mint address

outputMint string — REQUIRED

Output token mint address

amount integer — REQUIRED

Atomic value to swap (Before applying decimals)

  • Input Amount if SwapMode=ExactIn
  • Output Amount if SwapMode=ExactOut
slippageBps integer

Default: 50

  • This is threshold denoted in basis points.
  • If the output amount exceeds the threshold, then the swap transaction will fail.
swapMode string

Possible values: [ExactIn, ExactOut]

Default: ExactIn

  • ExactOut is for supporting use cases where you need an exact output amount, like payments
  • In this case the slippage is on the input token.
dexes string[]

Default: Include ALL DEXes

  • If a DEX is indicated, the route will only use that DEX
  • Multiple DEXes can be pass in by comma separating them
  • Full list of DEXes here
excludeDexes string[]

Default: Exclude NONE of the DEXes

  • If a DEX is indicated, the route will not use that DEX
  • Multiple DEXes can be pass in by comma separating them
  • Full list of DEXes here
restrictIntermediateTokens boolean
  • Restrict intermediate tokens within a route to a set of more stable tokens
  • This will help to reduce exposure to potential high slippage routes
onlyDirectRoutes boolean

Default: false

  • Limits the routeDirect Routes limits Jupiter routing to single hop routes only
asLegacyTransaction boolean

Default: false

  • Instead of using versioned transaction, this will use the legacy transaction
platformFeeBps integer
  • Take fees in basis points from signer
  • Used together with feeAccount in /swap, see Adding Fees guide
maxAccounts integer
  • Rough estimate of the max accounts to be used for the quote
  • Useful if composing with your own accounts or to be more precise in resource accounting resulting in better routes
  • Jupiter Frontend uses a maxAccounts of 64

Successful response

  • To be used in /swap
inputMint string
inAmount string
outputMint string
outAmount string
  • Calculated output amount from routing algorithm
  • Exlcuding network fees, slippage or platform fees
otherAmountThreshold string
  • Calculated minimum output amount after accounting for slippageBps and platformFeeBps
  • Not used by build transaction
swapMode string

Possible values: [ExactIn, ExactOut]

slippageBps int32
platformFee object — OPTIONAL
amount string — OPTIONAL
feeBps int32 — OPTIONAL
priceImpactPct string
routePlan object[]
swapInfo object
ammKey string
label string — OPTIONAL
inputMint string
outputMint string
inAmount string
outAmount string
feeAmount string
feeMint string
percent int32
contextSlot number — OPTIONAL
timeTaken number — OPTIONAL

Time taken to determine quote